9 Best Practices to Improve Incident Management

A long time ago, ITSM was quite different than what it is today. The emergence of the concept of smartphones and other mobile devices has revolutionized how people interact with both information and technology.

While the IT industry is tuned with the latest ITIL/ITSM framework to keep up with the introduction and wide adoption of ITSM and other cloud-based services, Incident Management, a core component of the ITIL lifecycle for IT, deals with restoring service as quickly and efficiently as possible.

As Incident management is one of the most critical IT support processes; an IT organization needs an efficient way to respond to Service outages to get the issues right. According to an HDI study, Incident Management remains a top priority for 65% of IT teams around the world.

Below are a few simple steps that every business that is into the IT sector can follow to transform your work environment in improving the Incident Management at your organization.

Best Practices to Improve Incident Management

Clearly Define Incident

An issue can cause a huge business impact on several users. Thus, it is essential to categorize the issue as a significant incident. It influences an organization to deviate from existing incident management processes.

Regularly high-priority events are wrongly seen as significant incidents. This is most likely because of the absence of clear ITIL rules. As a result, to stay away from any confusion, you should define a significant incident based on elements, for example, urgency, impact, and severity.

Create Robust Workflows

Implementing a dynamic work process encourages you to re-establish a disrupted service rapidly. Separate work processes for major incidents help inconsistent goals. Concentrate on automating and simplifying the following when you plan a work process for significant incidents:

  • Identifying the major incident
  • Communicating to the impacted stakeholders
  • Assigning the correct individuals
  • Tracking the major incident throughout its lifecycle
  • Escalation upon breach of SLAs
  • Resolution and closure
  • Generation and analysis of reports
  • Have a no-approval process for resolving major incidents

Execute the Right Resources

Ensure that your best resources are implemented to work on significant incidents. Likewise, defining their roles and responsibilities will impact the incidents that businesses have. You could have a committed or a temporary team depending upon how regularly significant incidents happen. Your essential target must be to keep your resources engaged and maintain a strategic distance from conflict of time and needs.

Provide Training to Employees and Equip them with the Right Tools

A major incident can occur at your IT yet the initial step to taking care of it is by being prepared. Divide your major incident management team into several teams and provide them with training. Assign responsibilities by mapping skills with requirements. Moreover, individuals and enterprise teams can be trained in the latest ITSM certification courses such as ITIL 4 Foundation, VeriSM, SIAM, etc., to implement widely-recognized ITSM frameworks and deliver quality IT services that align with organizational business strategy.

Organizing simulation tests frequently to identify strengths, evaluate performance and address gaps as needed will likewise assist your group with coping with pressure and be prepared when confronting continuous situations. Provide the right equipment to your team, for example, PDAs, phablets, and tablets with a consistent network for them to work from any place amid a crisis.

Keep Your Stakeholders Informed

Ensure that the stakeholders are kept informed about the incident management throughout the life cycle of significant incidents. Send announcements, notifications, and status updates. Reports in the self-service portal will prevent end users from raising duplicate tickets and overloading the help desk.

Also, keep track to respond to incidents quickly and offer help to partners. Utilize the quickest methods to communicate, for example, phone calls, direct walk-ins, live talk, and remote control work area, rather than depending on email.

Tie Major Incidents with Other ITIL Processes

Once the major incidents are resolved, perform a root cause analysis by utilizing problem management strategies. Then implement organization-wide changes to prevent the occurrence of similar incidents in the future by following the change management procedure.

Accelerate the whole incident; issue and change management procedure by giving detailed data about the advantages included utilizing asset management.

Improvise Your Knowledge Base

Articulate an information base editorial template that captures critical details, for example, the sort of significant incident the article identifies with, the most recent issue settled utilizing the report, the owner of the article, and the resources that would be expected to execute the solution.

Create and track solutions separately for major incidents so that you can access them quickly with minimal effort.

Review and Report on Significant Incidents

Document and analyze all major incidents with the goal that you can distinguish the areas to improve. This will help your group productively handle comparable issues later on.

Additionally, they produce incident-specific reports for analysis, evaluation, and decision-making. You could create the following reports to help in the proficient decision:

  • Number of major incidents raised and closed each month
  • Average resolution time for major incidents
  • Percentage of downtime cause of major incidents
  • Problems and changes linked to major incidents

Document Major Incident Processes for Continual Service Improvement

The top management must assess forms all the time to check whenever focused on execution levels in incident management are met. This can help rectify flaws and serve for continual service improvement.

To Conclude

Significant incidents are unavoidable, and every step is a learning curve for your group. Holding fast to these practices could be your initial move towards acing the craft of taking care of significant incidents.

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Jacob Gillingham is an Incident Manager with 10+ years of experience in the ITSM domain. He possesses varied experience in managing large IT projects globally. With his expertise in the IT service management domain, currently, he is helping an SMB in their transition from ITIL v3 to ITIL 4. Jacob is a voracious reader and an excellent writer, where he covers topics that revolve around ITIL, VeriSM, SIAM, and other vital frameworks in IT Service Management. His blogs will help you to gain knowledge and enhance your career growth in the IT service management industry.


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