IT Security and Governance

A host of IT security governance blogs, articles, tips, blogs, infographics and free resources to help an IT professional like you in managing IT enterprise governance through CGEIT, CRISC and Cobit Framework among others.

Steps to Build a Robust Risk Management Framework

Steps to Build a Robust Risk Management Framework

Risk management is varied for different companies because they have different objectives they want to achieve and different processes in place to do so. This means the risks they face will also be different....
Risk Assessment vs Vulnerability

Understanding Vulnerability Assessment vs Risk Assessment

Information security is one of the most important aspects of any organization today, especially with the rise in digital transformation and stricter data privacy regulations. This is because cyberattacks have become one of the...
cobit 5 applications and best practices - Invensis Learning

COBIT Best Practices for Effective Risk Management

COBIT 5 is perhaps one of the most widely used business frameworks for IT practices and governance. The framework’s main aim is to get as much value from the company's existing information systems as...
How Organizations Should Prepare for Different Types of Risks

Understanding the 7 Types of Risks in Business

There are a lot of risks that organizations need to take into account when they run a business. This will help them build better relationships with their customers and other stakeholders. It will also...
Ethical Hacking Tools - Invensis Learning

Top 10 Ethical Hacking Tools and Their Applications

Ethical hacking as a profession is one of the most sought-after professions that are on the rise in recent times. The high demand is because of the increasing amounts of cyber threats that are...
cobit 2019 - Invensis learning

The Evolution of COBIT 2019 from COBIT 5

The evolution of Information Technology has gone far beyond being an ordinary tool for businesses to make use of. IT practices have been the necessary foundation for several enterprises regardless of their industry or...
Automating Risk Management

A Comprehensive Guide to Risk Management Automation

A lot of business leaders often focus on generating more revenue for their organizations and opportunities for growth but do not focus enough on limiting and managing their risks, which is slowly changing over...
Risk Analysis Definition - Invensis Learning

What is Risk Analysis? Understanding the Basics

All businesses have a requirement to fulfill, and their business processes, applications, projects, and more, always come with certain risks that they need to ascertain and take care of. This means that regardless of...
COBIT vs ITIL – How can they co-exist?

COBIT vs ITIL: Understanding Key Differences

COBIT and ITIL are both IT Governance Frameworks that organizations use to increase the value of their business. COBIT stands for Control Objectives for Information and Related Technologies. ITIL stands for Information Technology Infrastructure...
IT Risk Management Best Practices

Top Insights on IT Risk Management Best Practices

IT has become an integrated part of people’s lives both personally and professionally. At the workplace, there is usually software in place for running operations and projects smoothly. IT management software provides institutions with...

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