Professional Development

As an employee, you are constantly being assessed for your capabilities and future readiness. You are not just benchmarked against your peers but also up against changing technology and business landscape. We have lined up an exclusive collection of professional development blogs, infographics, articles and free resources on reskilling and upskilling to keep you on top of your career curve.

Enhancing Creative Problem-solving Abilities

Mastering Creative Problem Solving Skills for Success

Creative problem-solving (CPS) is a way to solve problems or find gaps when traditional thought fails. It encourages you to come up with fresh perspectives and innovative solutions, so you can formulate a plan...
Roles and Responsibilities of a Project Manager in the Finance Industry

Essential Roles and Responsibilities of Finance Project Manager

The finance domain is considered an essential aspect of project management as every project needs to be meticulously planned considering budget constraints. Thus, the project manager should possess the necessary budgeting skills, which allow...
7 Common Decision Making Mistakes to Avoid

Avoid These 7 Common Decision-Making Mistakes

A decision is what could ruin your life or take you up on the ladder, and higher management officials and entrepreneurs might have faced tough situations now and then. You need to be very...
Top 8 Certifications to Impress Recruiters - Invensis Learning

Top 8 Certifications to Impress Recruiters

With the rise of online training, there is no shortage of classes you can take that offer you certification in a particular trade, skill, or software program. Certification certainly makes a difference, but, not...
Why Are Professional Online Courses Becoming More Popular?

Why Are Professional Online Courses Becoming More Popular?

Online courses have grown tremendously in recent years in a world powered by digital transformation. Fortunately, the technological advancements over the last few years have upended the world we know. As a result, the...
9 Leadership Skills Needed in the Workplace

9 Key Leadership Skills in the Workplace for Growth

A recent survey revealed that almost 80% of employees were dissatisfied with their direct managers. These results raise questions on leaders and their performance, while also questioning whether people are not good leaders or...
What Is Cloud Computing?

What Is Cloud Computing? A Comprehensive Overview

Cloud Computing is the one of the best technology developed in recent decades that paved the way for all other technological development. Individuals and business organizations use it to make the job easy and...
Tips to Grow in Your Professional Career

How Did You Grow Professionally? 10 Essential Tips

Have you ever asked yourself, "How can I grow in my career and make it a part of a successful life?" Do you want to work for an MNC company in a high-paying job?...
VUCA World - Invensis Learning

Strategies to Thrive in a VUCA World Effectively

The acronym VUCA - Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, and Ambiguous - was coined in the 1990s. It represents the experience of many people in their workplaces extremely well. In this kind of climate, it can...
7 Skills Needed for Strong Team Leadership

Essential Skills Every Team Leader Must Have

When you are promoted as a lead and handed additional responsibility of managing people. At first, you may have mixed feelings about managing people, as it could be tough managing a team. However, you...

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