Professional Development

As an employee, you are constantly being assessed for your capabilities and future readiness. You are not just benchmarked against your peers but also up against changing technology and business landscape. We have lined up an exclusive collection of professional development blogs, infographics, articles and free resources on reskilling and upskilling to keep you on top of your career curve.

Roles and Responsibilities of a Healthcare Project Manager

Healthcare Project Manager: Key Roles and Responsibilities

Project managers work in every industry. Amongst all, healthcare is one of the most critical sectors in the project management domain. Healthcare is the most complicated and vast sector, which involves project managers learning...
7 Tips to Develop Effective Workplace Communications

7 Tips for Effective Workplace Communication

Clear and crisp communication is a sure way to rise up in the ladder at your workplace and helps to build strong relations at home. Communication is a way where you express with the...
Global Impact of COVID-19 on Organizations

Global Impact of COVID-19 on Organizations

The ongoing Coronavirus pandemic has disrupted life to an extent that was unprecedented by all. It has caused untold human suffering worldwide resulting in crisis situations, on personal and professional fronts for the human...
9 Leadership Skills Needed in the Workplace

9 Key Leadership Skills in the Workplace for Growth

A recent survey revealed that almost 80% of employees were dissatisfied with their direct managers. These results raise questions on leaders and their performance, while also questioning whether people are not good leaders or...
Why Are Professional Online Courses Becoming More Popular?

Why Are Professional Online Courses Becoming More Popular?

Online courses have grown tremendously in recent years in a world powered by digital transformation. Fortunately, the technological advancements over the last few years have upended the world we know. As a result, the...
6 Useful Strategies to Dealing with Difficult People at Work

6 Useful Strategies to Dealing with Difficult People at Work

Getting angry frustrated or irritated with difficult people indicates that you are dragging their negativity into yourself. Therefore, in case the difficult person did not submit his work on time or did not attain...
11 Ways to Survive Workplace Stress

11 Effective Tips to Manage Work Stress and Thrive

A study by reveals that job stress is the main cause of stress in individuals who are working full-time, part-time or self-employed. The stress also goes on to trigger other health disorders such...
Top 4 Professional Courses to Shine Your Resume

Top 4 Professional Courses to Shine Your Resume

Getting a job isn't easy in this economy. Especially with the competition, choosing a fair job for you is grinding. But to acquire any job, you need to do much more than nailing any...

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